Hershel's Random Jottings

My opinions and nothing but my opinions... on whatever catches my fancy at any time.

Location: Skokie (Chicago), Illinois, United States

My background? Over 30 years as a senior IT manager in various large corporations; now an independent professional photographer. I've also been a part-time high school teacher (photography, physics) and a very part-time WEB SEO consultant, with a background in marketing.

Monday, December 28, 2009

With respect to the latest terrorist attack on the US (over Detroit)...

1) Why in the world do the liberal media in this country call this an "incident"? Because something went wrong and the bomb failed to detonate? This was not an incident, it was a full-blown terrorist attack that just happened to fail (thank G-d.)

2) Why do we keep on implementing these silly knee-jerk reactions to such attacks? How many years has it been since the shoe bomb attempt, and we are still removing our shoes before flying. Like they'd try the same thing now that we know about it.... Now I hear that international flights are removing blankets and pillows for the last hour of the flight, and mandating that cabin mobility is not allowed during the last hour. How stupid! Just because this was the plan THIS TIME? So let me understand -- setting off a bomb 65 minutes before landing is ok? How about 20 minutes after takeoff? Are Americans so stupid to be appeased with such silly measures and believe that the government is protecting them?!

3) So here are a few suggestions, based on recent analytical articles:

a) BAN ALL CASH SALES OF AIRLINE TICKETS. Paying cash is a means of hiding one's location and disguising one's trail. Sorry if this is inconvenient; that's life.

b) ANYONE WHO HAS VISITED ANY OF A LIST OF COUNTRIES THAT SUPPORT OR HARBOR TERRORISM WITHIN THE PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS IS AUTOMATICALLY SUBJECT TO INTENSIVE QUESTIONING/INVESTIGATION. **WE** define that list of countries (Yemen, Pakistan, most Arab countries, etc.) and I don't care WHO you are -- no matter how important. If you have nothing to hide that will become obvious. Put up with it.

c) NO ONE GETS ON AN AIRCRAFT FOR AN INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT IN OR OUT OF THE USA WITHOUT A VALID PASSPORT. And if the passport was issued withing the past 6 months, you are subject to more intensive scrutiny.

d) PASSENGER NAMES ARE CHECKED AGAINST **ALL** WATCH LISTS, NOT JUST THE NO-FLY LIST. If your name is on ANY list you are subject to extra scrutiny. If you have a name similar to one listed, then there could be a mechanism to obtain a special "clearance" ID card from the government, including at least a photo and fingerprint, for future flights.

e) How about developing a security screening device that uses a simple fingerprint scan to identify you -- perhaps coupled to a special database of "frequent fliers"? If you travel frequently (or just want to be prepared to travel) you could physically visit a special government office with your passport, proof of birth, and whatever else they decide would be useful. Subject yourself one time to a detailed investigation and interrogation. Once cleared, your fingerprint and identifying code would be entered into this special database. Every time you travel, your fingerprint scan will update the database with your location and the security clearance staff will get an "all clear" signal... they should still do their own checking, but could be less intensive, resulting in speedier check-in. Too much like George Orwell's "1984"? We're way past that!

Time to recognize that once on the plane there is no way to stop a terrorist other than sheer luck. The only defence is blocking their access to flying.

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